Preparing For A Holiday

The Man said he needed some new trainers for our holiday, nothing much wrong with his old ones, just a few cracks forming in the soles that would have kept his feet nice and cool as he squelched through puddles in the tow path. "But it isn't going to rain for the next fortnight, the tow path will be dry. Oh, go on then!"

So we went out to get some for him and he very quickly made up his mind on a pair and he stood up to head for the checkout. But, wait a minute, my trainers are really old and nasty and are not fit for the confined space of a boat, believe me, they are not.

Well, I ummed and ahhed over this pair of walking shoes. They just did not go with my ankle length green dress! Decision made. They would be nice an light in the boat and keep my feet cool. If it is muddy outdoors I will wear walking boots, as usual.

For the record: The Mother had a visit from the doc today. Dr P was surprised to see how the oedema had spread into her face and arms, but was pleased at how The Mother had strengthened, vocally and in her determination. Blood tests will be done to assess renal function with a view to increasing her water pills. We had lunch together, just like we used to do on Wednesdays.

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