Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... And we wept

It is hard to realize that it has been 13 years since "that" day ... the day that our world changed in the space of an hour. Who among us will forget where we were at the moment that the first jet hit the North Tower? Who among us will forget the horror that followed? And who among us will ever forget the images that, for many of us, are burned forever in our memories? For those of us who live in the NYC area, will we ever forget the eerie silence that descended on the City, and lasted for weeks? Will we ever forget the smell? The fires that burned for weeks? The sad sound of bagpipes echoing through the canyons of the City?

I, for one, will never forget. And on this day, my heart is with those who were lost, and those who survived. I hope that such a horror never occurs again in our world. I hope that somehow, someway, people can set aside their hatred and forge a world that is built on respect and love. Yes, I realize that this is a hope that is unlikely to be realized in my lifetime...but I hope it anyway.

We humans are a resilient lot, aren't we? On the heels of the 9/11 terror attackes, we wept but in the days and weeks and months that followed, we pulled together and we got on with the business of living. Which doesn't mean that we ever forget... it just means that we can't stop living and we can't stop trying to make the world a better place.

I realize that this is a rather serious journal entry for me - but it is what is on my mind today. I spent some time with a friend today, and also spent a little time out with the camera - both good for my soul. If you'd like to see some more "Debbi-style" photos, I've posted three creepy crawly things on Flickr with this flower crab spider .

Hug someone you love today - life is precious.


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