Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul


Another gorgeous day today and I've had such a lazy day after the long drive home yesterday, just can't get motivated to do anything :) Walked Misty on a different stretch of the marsh this morning en route to collect Sasha cat from the cattery. I've taken various shots over the years of the erosion but don't think I've blipped it before.

The cattery told me that Sasha was fine and ate well but is not really suited to a cattery as she doesn't like other cats!

One thing my mother did for me before I left is sign a form which I have to send off to Dublin which means that after all these years, and we're talking a lot of years here, I will have my two forenames on my Irish birth certificate, woo hoo!! I will officially have a name :):) I have no idea why my names were never registered and I really should have done this sooner I guess.

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