Joining the referendum spirit

Today it was the Scottish referendum, a unique moment in history for the people of Scoland to choose their future. I was happy to see that the referendum happened peacefully and everything went smoothly. This is how things should be done and this is why I love Scotland!

There were a few things that caught my eye today and this was one of them. Leith (the area in Edinburgh where I live) decided to join the spirit by declaring themselves an independent socialist republic. We have to remember that people from Leith don't consider themselves from Edinburgh, they are Leithers.

You could feel the referendum spirit around: a dog with a Saltire, Catalans and Vascs giving their support by carrying their respective flags together with the Saltire, people wearing funny outfits... The Catalans had even made an independent catalan flag next to a Saltire with light bulbs on the Royal Mile! There were also TV and radio crews everywhere and politicians being filmed.

I took as many pictures as my camera allowed me to take, which were not many, since it's malfunctioning at the moment. The blip decision was difficult though. Tomorrow I have a day off, so I'll take my camera to a shop to see what's the problem with it and, hopefully, get it fixed!

This was a hard vote to make but people were smiling. Whatever the outcome, I hope the people of Scotland work together for a better future!

And I may wake up tomorrow morning in a new country, who knows?

Going to bed soon, as it's been a long day and I'm exhausted.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you had a good day and I hope Scottish blippers can sleep tonight! :)

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