A Dog's Dinner

By G

Simple Pleasures

As we're back down to Bellaburgh tomorrow we had to go back for a last wander on the beach . So it was a walk for Himself and a chance for me to try out the video on the new camera and pretty impressed I was too, although as you can use full manual function there's a lot to learn.

We also bumped into a couple of our neighbours who were admiring the scenery while having pre prandial refreshment in their cars. The chaps do like to keep refreshed around here especially after a busy and boisterous Saturday night and after all this scenery watching can be a very thirst making experience.

It's been cold and clear again with a forcast of -12C tonight so we'll be sealing up the house and getting the stoves a gogo and settling down for a DVD or maybe the Saturday Play on the iPlayer.

Simple pleasures all round.

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