
I've been overlooking these milestone ones of late but a multiple of a thousand is probably cause for a wee bit of creativity and thanks.

I've said it before but I'll say it again, and probably roll it out again at 4000 coz I'm afraid you are stuck with me as long as I'm able...

This wee website represents a method of recording day to day life and memories in such an easy and fluid way as we've never been able to do in human history. It's not lost in the fragile depths of my malleable wetware nor jumbled into the messy format of the modern social network. It's accessible and searchable from any internet connected device. I don't have a dusty photo album that only gets pulled out on the odd occasion I pass over it while tidying, I have an active searchable record of 3000 photos with accompanying memories right in my pocket. A very precious thing to me.

These two faces are the main reason I still do this day after day. I don't remember much detail of my life before about age 10 and very little if any before 7. When Bethany and Ewan grow up, they'll be able to find out exactly what their life and life around them was like.

So in keeping with that thought, to celebrate these 3000 life recordings, here's a few of my favourite Betha and Ewan Blips...

Face Painting
So serious
Check your head
Sun Hands

Thankyou Blipfoto...

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