Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Desperation Sets In

Well, I had a good night's sleep. The hospital hadn't phoned. The Man made a lovely roast chicken lunch, after which I went to visit The Mother. She wakened as I approached her then she was delighted to get a visit from her vicar and his wife. she embraced them dearly.

We had a nice time talking and looking on her camera of some shots I'd taken of the village, showing her some new bungalows being built. I turned the camera on myself to help give her a blip. She has often asked what is going on with my blipping and regrets not having her camera. (It would not be wise for me to let her use it there, not now.)

Suddenly half way through my time there everything changed. She reverted to an hallucinogenic state and argued with me. I gave myself a break.

Things were no better when I went back. She told me to keep away from her. She removed her airway and tied it in a knot. The nurse and I had to physically hold an oxygen mask against her face because we were seeing her blood O2 level plummeting. Apparently she had been unconscious last night.

I drove home feeling (wrongly) hurt (she can't help these outbursts). I intended to do nothing more than to blip my unopened camera bag with my iPhone saying I just couldn't be bothered!

Walking down the path I looked up and saw the stars and persuaded The Man to come out star blipping with me. We saw a warm glow behind a bush and wondered what it could be. The moon?

Very soon a huge moon emerged. I was so unprepared, my camera was set for stars! The stars weren't as visible as I had thought so you get an unprepared moon b;ip!

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