
Friday is usually a shorter day, so I left already at 2 pm.

I went shopping and then I went to train dogs. I played with some the new training aids, which I blipped yesterday.

With Biscuit, I shaped a new behaviour. By just using a clicker and positive reinforcement (food), I got him to go away from me and touch the red ball on this target stick with his nose. It is not really something he needs to be able to do, we just had fun training it :-)

Hero worked on the accuracy in some of his Nordic Championship moves and Beat worked on getting a very strong nose target on my hand (touching my hand with his nose and keeping it there).

We all had fun and when every one had finished their training, I took the boys for a walk in the woods.

Now I need to clean the Guinea Pig cage...

Happy Weekend.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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