Ship through a fence

When I woke up this morning I couldn't understand why my watch showed me one time and my mobile phone another, then I realised that the clocks went back today. Thank god I was not working or I would have been there just that bit earlier... haha!

I was feeling rather lazy this morning so I didn't go to the gym till the afternoon. The weather was awful, really windy and rainy, so no great for photography. I only managed to take a couple.

It was funny because the trafic came to a halt in Leith Walk because the wind had moved some huge plastic blocks all over the place. So, me and other passers by had to go and take them aside one by one, so the cars could move! That's how strong the wind was today!

After the gym I did my food shopping and that was me after that. Too tired to go out in that weather again.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments yesterday! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! :)

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