Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Blue, gray, green and teeny

That sums up today's shot ... A blue-gray gnatcatcher with a green sweat bee ... both tiny.

It has been uncharacteristically gloomy and chilly today so I wasn't terribly inspired to get out with the camera. I finally decided I would make a quick stop at Lake Seminole on my way to the grocery store - figured I could just get a fast ibis or moohen blip. I stopped at the spot which usually has both and was initially disappointed to see ... nothing. Until, that is, my eye caught movement in a big clump of brush next to the lake...and my ear picked up the distinctive high pitches zeee of gnatcatchers.

I'd been fortunate enough to come across a small feeding group of gnatcatchers, palm warblers and at least one common yellowthroat warbler. I sat on a bench hunched over my camera and took about 80 shots, the majority utter crap because it was so hard to focus on the birds as they flitted around in the brush and branches. Reminds me how much more difficult it is (at least to me) to shoot small birds rather than the large ones. This image is cropped a bit and if you look closer, you'll see that it isn't all that crisp - but I like it. And, frankly, I have a difficult time catching gnatcatchers on camera - they are just too darned flitty.

Two other gnatcatcher and a palm warbler on Flickr, starting HERE. if you'd care to have a peek.

Hubs is at the office today and I am thinking I may tuck in for a nap. I didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm feeling pretty tired. And isn't there just something about a cloudy day that makes you want to snooze?

Hoping to meet up with Outdoor Guy this week as he is just down the coast from me in Bradenton now. Figure we'll go out and shoot us some birds...

Happy Sunday, people...


PS: A big thank you to all who commented and rated yesterday's candid portrait - it's not always easy to step away from what is comfortable, and I very much appreciate the support and encouragement.

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