Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

First Firkin Festival

As regular followers of my blip well know, I've been to many beer festivals, but this is my first firkin festival, and my first Texas beer festival. It was right here in Round Rock, and it was very good!

When we went to Jester King Brewery yesterday, the person who served us our beer told us that he would be bringing a firkin to the festival at Round Rock today, which is where we're staying. How could I not attend? Cynthia was happy to spend time with her sister and niece while I enjoyed the beer and camaraderie of the beer festival.

One of the first people I ran into was the guy from Jester King -- I'd spoken to him several times at the brewery. He gave me a sample without punching my card. I was off to a good start!

I was coveting one of the volunteer yellow t-shirts -- the ones on sale were black. I asked someone if I could perhaps buy one at the end of the festival. She said "Go ask that guy over there". The guy over there turned out to be the person in charge, and gave me a shirt for free.

After two or three hours my punch card was full, so I checked my phone for messages and found a text from Cynthia telling me I was going to be picked up in 15 minutes. It wasn't enough time to justify spending $10 for another punch card, but another new-found friend with connections to one of the brewers got me a couple more free samples to tide me over.

It was a great afternoon!

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