The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Let's do the time warp again

I've blipped this shop before, but as I'm now doing an occasional series on Gloucester Street, Stroud, I thought I'd blip it again, before it disappears. Over the past few months I've noticed the stock being run down, and now there's a sign over the building next door, the defunct hairdresser's G Capelli, advertising the freehold of two shops and two flats over the shops. Who knows?

You can just see the reflection of the pub opposite, the Queen Vic, in the window. As for the timelessness of the shop: despite looking positively post-war, it was in fact opened in 1992. Post-Gulf War I, perhaps?

Despite my walking up and down this street on my way to work five days a week , for over two years, I have never, [iever[/i] seen anyone going in or out of Helen G Fashions.

Update: one of my friends/ former colleagues saw this blip on Facebook and contributed this anecdote:

I used to go to the hairdresser next door. The last time I went in, the woman said, "I know, I'll give you one of my haircuts." I thought it was a specialtiy of hers. No, she cut my hair exactly like hers and it looked like a big woolly hat! Being British I smiled, paid and left and went directly to another hairdressers to get it recut.

Thanks for that, Tamsin. I know where not to go now...

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