there are so many of it, and the sun loves to play with them.
Yes, yes, yes! The sun came out for the whole day, I stared in awe through the window when I was awake after a night, I think, full of dreams. Rather heavy dreams.
After lunch it was high time to go for a little excursion. On the balcony I sat so comfortably on the chair that I slept for a while.
Then Piet Hein and I drove to Würgassen, full of hope for a picture.
The sun had one minute later disappeared behind the hills and we smiled at our selves, because we are not really aware of the fact that the light of the day is rationed nowadays.
We walked towards the manege, then under the big bridge to the fields with the yellow rapeseed, and along the Weser back to where we had parked the car.
Not bad such a marvellous Sunny, but cold day. Wonder what we will get tomorrow.
I had planted bulbs in the morning, and am curious if the mice will like them.

My haiku:

If, if only, if
Only I, if only I
Had remembered when

And the proverb:

The remedy for injuries, is not to remember them.

1855 H.G.Bohn, A Handbook of Proverbs

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