The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

I'm with stupid

Pheasants are bred to be shot. They seem to be pretty stupid birds but maybe they need to be in order not to be able to outwit men with guns.

I was sitting in a theatres staff room the other day waiting to get at a piece of equipment. Amongst the depressingly ubiquitous trash of Hello, OK, and Heat magazines was a copy of Sporting Gun (or some such title).
The reader's pictures where interesting. They mostly showed a grinning camo-clad chap, gun over shoulder, with a pile of dead birds at his feet and had captions like: Here's Barry Bonkers with the 89 woodies he bagged in 2 hours at Scrogins Woods.
I can see that farmers need to keep down pests but surely there are more things in life to be proud of than shooting a load of birds out of the sky. There were even pictures of people looking jolly pleased with themselves holding onto a brace of snipe or woodcock or some such.
And what about the thousands of migrating songbirds that get popped at every year by mad Italians? Sporting Gun? They are all nuts.

This is roadkill BTW.

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