Wasp's fruitless effort ;-(

Poor wee wasp, sorry my friend, but we can't let you build your house on the pillows on our beds!! Eisch!!

C and R got up véry early this morning, left for Johannesburg at 06:00 to have the Volvo serviced, Lillian made the beds upstairs roundabout 09:00 and tonight, when C pulled the bed open to get it ready for sleeping, she arranged her pillows the way she likes them and guess what?

Dear Mr. Wasp started building his mud house on her favourite pillow! Can you believe that he got só far in about 11 hours? He must've used the window to enter the room, but it is quite high, on the second floor and the closest mud is surely not in our backyard! I would love to know how many kilometers he flies in one day!

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