Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Sycamore stumps adults in UK biodiversity survey.

Less than a quarter (24%) of UK adults are able to correctly identify the common UK sycamore tree, according to a survey on behalf of the Natural History Museum, which launches the Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity today. Full article here.

I was quite surprised to hear this on the lunchtime news (after all my laptop's an Acer, therefore its network name is Mabel), so when walking into town armed with my camera we had a debate as to what this tree was. I thought it could be a beech (it isn't). I'm sure more than 24% of fellow blippers will know the answer - check out the comments if you don't and to find the convoluted reasoning behind Mabel.

Mrs L had her revenge today for me dragging her up Meall nan Tarmachan yesterday as I got dragged round the Perth shops - got back to the flat completely knackered - give me a wander up a Munro any day.

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