LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

Hell's Garden

I might not cut the mustard but I can cut the grass. It was like a meadow after the 8 weeks it's gone uncut. It nearly filled the bin. (I know - I should be composting.)

I caught some of Jamie Oliver's cooking programme on Ch.4 last night. Now that is a cooking programme. Nae feckin aboot. The other lot like Ramsay and Hell's Kitchen Pierre White dude - it's all about their tedious personalities and the "celebs". (Have you noticed how often that word is inverted commas these days?) Who eats pigs trotters and sweetbreads for their tea anyway for goodness sake? I'd like to kidnap Jamie Oliver and take him up North with me and the fam - get him slaving over a hot stove each night. The boy can cook and he doesn't just leave a dollop of pretty looking nibbles in the centre of a giant plate - he fills it. Probably gag his fat tongue too mind - so I didnae have to listen to him.

Later I read this cracking piece by John Humphreys in the Sunday Times News Review from the weekend - "In God we Doubt". He was hinting at a lot of similar thoughts to me on the subject. I agreed with almost all of it. I guess, somewhere inside, I'm a failed Athiest.

Does anyone think Amy Winehouse sounds just like Lauryn Hill?

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