More wet...

... with a bit of sleet and hail thrown in for good measure.

Still plenty of leaves floating in the gutters and puddles to keep a blipper happy ;-)

Today we had a meeting to give us some clue as to the future direction of the web. The ideas sound promising and it's a matter of letting things unfold. What happens with jobs in the medium term is an unknown. No one has a guaranteed job anywhere.

My head feels a lot better today but I'm taking a cautionary approach and will go for another early night. I was asleep by 9pm last night and I realised today how vacant I was yesterday.

I'm also experimenting with taking deliberate time to relax and 'just be'. I'm always on the go. I think James Joyce in 'Ulysses' had a line something like; "Mr (someone-or-other lived a short distance from his body". My body clearly doesn't function as it should. Time to listen to it and take time to be still.

Looking forward to Saturday. I'm photographing my friend Tom is putting down a home brew. He does it all from scratch - no over the counter kit. We've talked about this for ages. He's keen to do an exhibition out of it. It's going to be a lot of fun. I'm sure I'm score a glass of an earlier batch :-)

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