
By diptych


I've taken a photo of this chair before but it's the kind of chair that deserves revisiting. All the pictures I had taken in the past were from an angle and did not show much around the chair.

It sits outside an old narrow downtown building. Up until recently it was an office building, but I'm not sure the history behind it beyond that. Now it sits empty, save the first balcony that is sometimes open, with a strange assortment of clothing hung out to dry on a makeshift washing line. I would like to be able to take a photo of the building but in a busy downtown street that isn't always the easiest thing.

I am slowly losing that sense of apprehension about pulling my camera out in the street. People here will always stare quizzically, trying to figure out what it is you are taking a photo of. Like yesterday, as I stood taking a picture of a wall and a sign, a man walked by and I could see him looking at the wall, his eyes darting around, trying to figure out what it was I was taking a picture of. But my apprehension is not one hundred percent gone. But I'm getting there...

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