a town called E.

By Eej

Grrrrrrr ...

I was annoyed all day.
I tried very hard not to, but it was one of those quiet-rage days, where you know you will eventually explode but instead of just getting it out of the way and be done with it, you try your best to be calm and collected, eventually failing and ending up being even more perturbed because you failed keeping it together.

After work we drove to Kalamazoo for groceries and baby-presents for a shower sunday.
I've expressed my feelings towards the horror that is grocery-shopping before on Blip, and shopping for new babies inevitably makes me broody, which inevitably makes me sad, which in turn annoys me greatly.
It was a win-win situation from the start. *rolls eyes*

We made it through without killing each other and then I was dropped of at the Hatchery.

I walked a fair bit, calming down somewhat and spotted a Great Blue Heron. "Hurray!", I said, and clicked. Gone was the heron.
I moved on. As I was rounding the corner of that particular pond (the Pond of Many Turtles), two giant shadows flew across. I figured the heron was back with a friend, or a girl (cheeky thing) took some photos, noticed my settings were WAY off and walked on.

Then it slowly, ever so slowly dawned on me that the shapes I spotted were rather big, even for herons. And since when are herons brownish? I used the camera to zoom in as far as possible. Did I just see a spot of red on their heads?

Sandhill Cranes.
In my Hatchery.


Now, this is one of those occasions where my Powershoot can't deliver. And I can't fault it for that. The Cranes were really far away and I could not get any closer because of the water. Still, with this photo, as inadequate as it is, I will always be able to feel the adrenaline rush of the discovery, my stealthy-like-a-ninja approach and these two majestic birds flying, landing ... and walking away from me.
But good lord how I wished I had my Rebel already.

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