Today's the day

By sheilwill

Glasgow Boys

Today's the day ................. for a day trip to Glasgow

Treated ourselves today with a trip to Glasgow by train to see an art exhibition at Kelvingrove Art Gallery all about The Glasgow Boys.

For anyone who hasn't come across them - they were a radical group of young Scottish painters who from informal beginnings in around 1880, moved to the forefront of British contemporary art for the next two decades. They included such artists as Arthur Melville, George Henry, James Guthrie, Joseph Crawhall and E A Walton. We like a lot of their paintings very much (specially Arthur Melville) and it was too good a chance to miss ........

We were not disappointed - in fact the exhibition was completely mind-blowing in the number of seriously good paintings that they had managed to gather together. We spent the morning in a state of wonderment - and only got half way round. Had to return in the afternoon to finish the visit.

If you get the chance, do go and have a look yourselves .........!

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