Lobster supper!

In honour of Nadja's leaving us, we had a wonderful lobster feast.....she has been with us for over 3 weeks i think, and has been a wonderful help and beautiful energy to have living with us. I am sometimes quite sad to see a wwoofer (willing workers on organic farms!) leave us, and it is always in such contrast to the the beginning of their stay. At the start we are all new to each other, you have to start again to get to know this person sharing your home for a few weeks, and i sometimes feel very introverted for the first few days. Then something happens around the end of the first week, and if I'm going to get a little attached to the particular person here, that's when i start to feel open and comfortable. And it certainly happened with Nadja! She was a wonderful support on the morning i found out that my father had passed away in Edinburgh, i couldn't make head nor tails of the flight information, surprise surprise eh.....and she just dove right in and began searching all over the net for flights....she was so great!

So, we will miss you dear Nadja.....come and visit any time!

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