Plus ça change...

By SooB


Our last day in Spain was a bit cloudy, so it was a surprise today to wake to glorious blue skies.

'What a great drying day' I thought as I sorted through the mountains of washing still left from the weeks before our holiday when the washing machine was broken. On holiday we had been discussing how our mums would be delighted with a sunny, but breezy, day as being a 'great drying day'. I realised then that I think that way too. Thinking that way, along with 'feeling grown up' are things I still think of as being ahead of me; things that will happen when I am a grown up. Time to realise that I am a grown up, and a mum, and it's ok to relish a 'great drying day'.

However, it wasn't a productive day photo-wise. So here's an emergency late night blip of the avocados we brought back from Lesley's. (The brown banana is a later addition, to coax them to perfect ripeness as soon as possible so I can devour them.)

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