Here's Corin...

4 years ago today we moved into our house.
Tonight, Corin took an axe to the fitted wardrobes in our bedroom and started the process of gutting the room.
I cannot deny a brief moment of glee as lots of noise was made right next to the next door numpty boy's bedroom wall. It's a shame his parents are in otherwise we'd be really making a disturbance.

Weird day which saw me shocked (yes I know), embarassed and very uncomfortable because of a conversation held, inappropriately, in front of me and continued despite my instruction to stop. For the first time in a long time, I genuinely didn't know how to deal with the situation - I dealt with it there and then, but it needs following up and I had to speak to a colleague about it. Shocked at how brazen it was, how overtly inappropriate, how funny the individuals seemed to find my discomfort and how the conversation demonstrated a worrying lack of respect for women - I worry that a moral compass might be missing, I worry what that might mean in later life. It will get challenged, and to be honest, I've not found myself in that situation before, but now I find I am very uncomfortable at the prospect of sharing my classroom space with the individuals concerned - but I have another 29 weeks with 3 lessons a week to get through so I am just going to have to put it out of my mind I guess.

4 years - where'd that time go.

Really, my husband isn't scary or weird. He just likes posing for photos with props!

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