Portrait of Gianni

Having slaved away at a hot laptop all day, picked up the kids from school and made tuna cakes for tea with them I found myself toiling for a blip.

It was chucking it down and blowing a gale so I thought a trip to the beach was in order.

I had fun for about two minutes trying to stay upright and photograph the guys out windsurfing before retreating to the car, listening to 6 music and accepting the fact that the photo I'd taken of the rain on the windscreen was going to be as good as it got. And then Gianni knocked on the door. He wanted to see if I'd manage to get any shots of him out on the water. He helpfully told me that he had the very distinctive yellow sail. I less helpfully had to tell him that my photos were all black&white.

Nonetheless I think we found a few of him which I'll email to him tomorrow. And in return - I got to grab another portrait blip. Cheers Gianni.

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