
By Instography

Phut, crackle and the occasional bang

If you've been in a car crash or on the receiving end of a very good kicking you'll have an idea of how I felt this morning with the all-over stiffness, achey joints, sore head and tiredness. Murder. Mandy left me in the puddle of sweat I'd created and took Ewan and Ellen off swimming. I just dozed, took drugs and drank water until they got back about 11am and then dragged myself into the shower.

We headed through to Glasgow and with Mandy driving I think I slept most of the way there and back. Got Mum's broadband and iPad set up fine so now we just need to see if she actually uses the thing.

We got back from Glasgow just in time for Mandy to head off to the Scout hall to help set up things for their annual fireworks display. Thankfully the rain stayed off for most of it although as fireworks events go, it's, what shall we say, err, not the best. Kids liked it (or not in Ellen's case - last night may have been her first time).

No sooner had I got the kids back from there than our friends Graeme, Claire and Hannah appeared with a huge chocolate cake. Graeme's birthday so, wine poured, Happy Birthday sung, who muscles in to blow out the solitary candle?

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