A spicy test

Just a quick test before closing time. Here I tried some of the things we tried in photography class a few weeks tonight: home-made 'studio' lighting and use of mirrors. I abused the jar of pepper for the subject.

Some people asked for the lighting tips. It's easy, two desk lamps is enough (the Swedish blue-ans-yellow guys will do), some chalk paper, coloured transparent paper, mirrors and background paper. All together this should not cost more than maybe 30 euros, probably less. The chalk paper is to create your own soft-box (just stick the paper in front of the desk lamp) and the coloured paper is to create other effects (blue works a bit like tungsten white balance). Here I just used one lamp with chalk paper, the mirror and black background paper.

No time for more playing around - off to bed now for a good night's sleep!

Will have to find a spot to store this stuff by the way, because on busy and short days this may prove very useful for still-lifes. Although it doesn't come close to a studio, I'm pretty sure S won't appreciate the kitchen table being used as such...

Tomorrow photography class again. Bit ashemed, no time to do my homework. Was supposed to do a triptych of landscape images....

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