The Angus Inn

By angus_inn

Well, this is a dreadful picture but its all I've managed to take today due to beeing in my bed with shocker of a cold since yesterday afternoon.

The blip is taken from our balcony and is of one of the floodlights at Westpac Stadium in Wellington where the mighty Wellington Phoenix were paying an exhibition match against the LA Galaxy who arrived with a legendary footballer in their midst. Yes, Ruud Gullit who is their new coach and one of the greatest footballers of the last 20 years and indeed of all time. Some guy called Beckham was playing as well but don't know much about him except for the fact that he couldn't lace big Ruud's boots. He probably can't lace his own boots, come to think of it. Probably has some kind of velcro thing going on.

But seriously, enough of the Beckham bating - he's a great player, a good bloke and a much better role model for kids than most players these days. Good to have him and his team, on town.

The Galaxy lost 5-3 to Sydney FC on Tuesday but as always, the Kiwis were a much more considerate hosts than those rude Aussies and duly lost 4-1 to the Galaxy. To be fair to the Phoenix they had played a league game just the night before which they also managed to lose 2-1 to Adelaide United.

Hoping to make it out the house tomorrow to the Thorndon Fair which takes place just a few streets away and then off to friends for a barby in the afternoon. The weather forecast is for another beauty of a day....

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