a town called E.

By Eej


I am done, done, done for the year! *bounces*

I got to go home a little early, after a bit of a cruisin' day at work. Lunch was awesome (I had Tofu Kung Pao with noodles), the Secret Santa business was fun, my boss was suitably impressed by the artwork I did for the disc full of Smiths I gave him, our Christmas bonus was WAY more than I thought it would be and one of my co-workers gave me purple mascara to thank me for helping her out so much. Oh, and the card with my bonus said (among other things): thanks for being such a team player. Which thrilled me to bits because I am, and it's nice to see it acknowledged.

And on top of all that, I have a hubby who loves me to pieces and is not afraid to tell me that every minute of every day (just about :)) even when I drive him insane, or respond by saying "yeah, yeah" and rolling my eyes at him. We have some presents to go under the tree, we have family and friends who love us and want to spend time with us this holiday season ...
I am feeling so wealthy right now.
And while we are not in the shape I would like us to be in, we are in better shape than we were last year around Christmas.
The new year is just round the corner and I am excited for all the good it will bring :)

Here's a gritty gem, for all you real ones.

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