Expecto Patronum!

Can you spot the Death Eaters circling the Damart chimney? No it must be my imagination then. I walked the few miles back from the hairdressers today, across t'Aire valley, to check out whether the despair that is Christmas flu has finally gone and I can get back into training. The reason for this sudden need to get up off the settee and back into the fresh air? I move up an age class tomorrow into the ranks of the W55s, which also means I am back with my arch rival Mrs H (dramatic chord on the piano there!) She has e-mailed this week, ostensibly to wish me a happy new year, but really on a secret mission to find out what training I have been doing and if I've booked my passage to Edinburgh at the end of January for the first street race of the year. The gauntlet has been thrown down, now I need to get fit!

So Edinburgh blippers, if you want to blip some strange souls in bright coloured garb against the backdrop of the beautiful city, see here for details of the event on the 22nd January. Sadly I won't be able to stay for the Burns supper on the Saturday evening as the trains are total rubbish that weekend.

My blip is taken of the Leeds Liverpool Canal just before Bingley from the top of the Five Rise Locks. More detail in large!

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