My Boy!

First day back at work after the holidays - a real shock to the system! The alarm went off at 7am and I very nearly just turned over! Good to see friends at work again, and it wasn't too busy a day, but by lunchtime we were all ready to go home!

Went to see Nimbus and the Shetlands (name for a band?) after work, in the dark. It has been so easy checking and feeding them in the daylight during this last couple of weeks. Fighting with bales of hay in the dark and mud is tricky but I have a neat little head torch which is brilliant (literally!).

Poor Ollie spent all day in the shed. He's not too badly off in there. It is the size of a large garage and has a sleeping crate in it, full of old blankets. In the door way I have a stairgate, so he can see out and the cats can get in and out through it and keep him company. When I get home he gets completely carried away and throws himself at me as if he's not seen me for a month!

This is to let you see that his hair is certainly growing - time to trim that fringe, I think!

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