Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

'You've been blipped'

Well God has done it again.........I've been blessed with a new friend. A friend who already feels like a good friend. A friend who will be my friend for a very long time, that is my hope. And a friend who I'm able to have the coolest conversations with.

Today we had coffee together with our little ones while our boys were at school. We've got this great little coffee shop near the preschool with comfortable couches, an easy environment and good coffee. We told the boys that after school, we would all be going to McDonald's.

When we picked the boys up from preschool they were beyond excited. And the preschool teacher was excited for them. Apparently they had been telling her all morning that they were going to McDonald's together today. And more importantly, the McDonald's with the big huge indoor play land.

And not only was the play land a hit, but the lighting was fantastic. I took a few pics and then got a portrait photo of each of the kids eating their ice cream. I couldn't leave out my friend who has yet to be blipped now could I?!

Okay, your turn for a pic.

Oh your taking my picture?

Yep. (click) Oh this is a good one. What do you think?

(Laughs) Hmmm.

Do you not like pictures of yourself?

No it's not that, I'm just usually the one always taking the photos.
(She's a photographer)

Okay let's do another. (click) Oooo this is a good one.

Yeah, I like that one.

How do you feel about being introduced to the world wide web.

Ha! I'm totally cool with that.

Alright then, you've been blipped. You've been past due for a blip for a while now.

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