jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Church this morning. And as Ben seems to have started to enjoy, he got to sit at the drumkit afterwards as everything was being packed down and played happily for a while as it was dismantled around him. Once it was all gone, we went into the hall and he played with a little girl and some boys - one younger, most older - and some balls until it was time to go home. It was lovely seeing the youngs playing together, the bigger boys were looking out for the little ones, playing with them, sharing the balls with them. Really lovely to see. And Ben was loving being chased by a little girl round and round and round the hall they ran! I'm surprised Ben hasn't zonked out already but he's still going strong...

Pizza and garlic bread for lunch, and it would seem Ben likes sloppy guiseppe pizza and garlic bread. Evidently I feed him new things at the wrong time of day, when he's hungry he'll try anything.

Now the Fifth Element has finished I suppose we'd better get moving and do some work!

This morning the talk was partly about family. We need to be family to each other. We need to stop being so insular. I know a lot of people at church, at tots, through support groups, on blip, but I know them/you all on the surface.

I crave family. I crave relationships where I am loved for who I am, where people know me warts and all and still love and accept me for who I am. Where there are mother figures and father figures within huggable distance, who I know will encourage me, support me, hug me, correct me, get me back on the right path if needed. Where I have sisters: older sisters who have just been through the things I'm going through and can offer advice, who can tell me what worked and what didn't; younger sisters who feel able to come to me for the same. Brothers to care for and to be cared for by. Where children know and look up to the adults around them, and the adults are more than simply aware of children being present but actively look out for them, know who they belong to.

To grow family we need to step out of our comfort zones - typical that I wrote about being comfortable in my own skin yesterday. We need to make ourselves vulnerable with each other, in order for relationships to grow deeper.

I'm blessed because this morning my "family" grew. And now I need to make sure I nurture that relationship :)

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