Sea Urchin

By seaurchin


Visited friends Simon and Gale and their wee sons Aidan and Jack. More good food and ever increasing noise from all the children as they ebbed and flowed with the afternoon.

Simon and I go back to uni. days and I'm sure he could tell an embarrassing tale or two, but then I'm sure we all have them tucked away somewhere. We both shared a house with some friends and the two of us would occasionally escape the madness and drive up to the Peat Inn to chat over coffee and port. Simon graduated in the year above me, but returned briefly when I was involved in an accident. I remember him visiting me armed with modelling balloons which he then proceeded to sculpt into things both weird and wonderful!

After years of not living close, or one family moving up to Scotland and the other moving away, we now live a short drive away from the other. Somehow though we still don't manage to reguarly meet's this busy life we all think we lead. Time perhaps for me to live a little slower in the coming year and remember what and who is important.

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