jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Bling? No thanks

I spent a little while being bored last night waiting to be called up for bedtime duties, blinging Mr Potato Head's glasses. I did wonder if Ben would notice at all.

He did notice.

He did not like.

Oh well. My son has obviously not inherited the Magpie gene from me. I should be thankful I suppose.

Breakfast was an invented affair this morning, he decided he wanted one of the holiday packets (a selection pack of cereals), rice krispies, and to start with wanted to eat them dry. Using his hands to take a fistful and see how much went in his mouth. Quite a lot did. Quite a lot didn't.

I asked if he wanted milk: no.

I suggested yoghurt: yes! Aggik! So I got yoghurt out of the fridge and mixed it into his cereal, and he enjoyed it very much.

Then it was pure excitement time: first outing on the bike this year. If you remember Sunday we had much sobbing when a very tired little SuperOwl realised that we really weren't going on the bikes that evening, that we really were just cleaning them up and making sure they were ok; so today was a huge anticipation and Ben reminded me that we were going on the bike LOTS this morning.

And even though it was a five-minute ride to our Tuesday toddler group, it was well worth it just for Ben's excitement! We rode home in drizzle though, so I'm kinda glad we weren't walking because we got home a lot quicker. Does mean we can't quickly stop at the shops though.

This afternoon we have: done nothing much. Lunch was a protracted affair, Ben decided he wanted to sit on a proper chair, so he did. And had half his lunch like that, and half sat on my knee later on. And afterwards, all of a sudden, one minute he was zooming around the living room looking like naptime wasn't even on the horizon let alone around the corner, and the next he was curled up on my lap fast asleep. In the space of a minute. I am astounded at his ability to go from full speed to fast asleep so quickly, I just wish I was able to catch him at exactly the right moment more often.

Lasagne for dinner, and Ben was a grump until he could again sit on a proper chair at the table to eat. He ate quite a lot considering I had very low hopes that he'd eat any of my lasagne! Happily using his knife and fork like a big boy.

Why do children seem to start growing up so much so quickly so suddenly?

Tomorrow it's Round Two of my root canal treatment. And this time I have no safety net of the car to collapse in: Steve has the car and I need to figure out how to get there via public transport. :/

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