Five things

By fivethings

Like iron.

1. Sometimes I am deceptively strong. For a wee lass, physically, I can surprise even myself. Today I single-handedly moved two sofas from one room and packed them rather perfectly in a cupboard. Said cupboard was emptied in advance and then repacked round the two sofas rather beautifully. It's a good feeling to stand back, admire your work and feel chuffed.

2. I love a neat and tidy cupboard. I'm not a freakishly tidy person but when my things are in order, even behind cupboard doors, I feel better.

3. I now have a living room that I feel like sitting in thanks to the delivery of an old couch I used to have being brought back by my ex-husband. He also brought this photograph. This is the Flatiron in New York and it's a picture I took of him years ago. I am very proud of this picture and it feels ok to have it on my wall. It feels ok.

4. Now that I like this living room, it's made me want to make it my own. For a while now I've not felt like putting things on the walls or buying things that will be only mine. It's been easier to avoid that and live with bare walls and rented furniture. I need things that are my own, my own taste. So today, I bought a very cool aubergine coloured chair online in the Frasers sale.

5. Sometimes I am deceptively strong. Not just physically.

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