a town called E.

By Eej


Legends state that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel. Since he died due to a small wound on his heel, the term "Achilles' heel" has come to mean a person's principal weakness.

My principal weakness is worry.
It's almost always there.
About everything. Will work be okay? Will this be the day I get fired? Do we have enough cereal? Is the car going to start? Are things in Egypt under control? Do the birds have enough to eat? What if one dies in our garden? And on and on and on ...
But as much as it drives me insane it's also almost like a comfort zone, this insane habit of making myself sick with worry. And that makes it very difficult to stop.
Maybe I worry about the small things to keep me from getting all freaked out about the, indeed, worrisome big things. Maybe my brain lets me do it in small doses because it knows I wouldn't be able to handle a big dose all at once?

I'm trying to stop, trying to live in the moment, trying to not worry so much about the future and certainly stop with worrying about the past. There is no point whatsoever in that. Certain things are beyond my control, and maybe if I accept that and stop worrying about everything and everyone, I will have energy left to do the things that ARE important.

I probably should scratch that last 'maybe' and make it into a 'certainly'. *shakes head*

Today was a good day, a day with a turn that will hopefully make it easier for me to leave a whole lot of worries behind :)

ps: this image is totally not what I wanted but instead of worrying about it, I'm just going to post it. Go me :)

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