Photo-a-day retirement

By mpp26

The footbridge story continued!

This footbridge was an image from the September 4 earthquake being twisted by the force generated then.

This time the bridge has been twisted again, this time right off the bridge supports. the mental rails tied almost in knots and the timber decking smashed.

We wondered if/when if would be replaced last time, now things like this will be at the back of a very very long queue to be fixed.

We really miss it, and at the moment of course there just are no bridges near us to cross. I guess they will gradually inspect the vehicle bridges and we can use those.

To all those who put such lovely comments on my recent blips thank you so much, they have meant a lot.

We now have power and we are so appreciative. We don't and won't have water or the sewer for a long time to come I suspect, but we've got organised, along with tens of thousands of others, and we will get through this (and just imagine the thrill when can first flush again, or turn on a tap and get clean water!!!!!!)

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