The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Arnside Viaduct - Unzipped

It's been a murky day all day with us in Arnside. This was taken early this morning when the air and water were perfectly still, giving perfect reflections. Ten minutes later, a faint wind blew up, and the mirrored water was gone. Now, this would have been so much better had there been a train crossing the viaduct, but alas there are none until the afternoon on Sundays.

I've had a bit of a lazy day today, recharging the batteries. The most energetic thing I did was chop some wood for the woodburner (which because of the mild weather we still haven't lit this year).

I've been out this evening trying out some night photographs which I can revisit on those short winter days when I fail to get a daylight blip. Indeed, tomorrow may be one of those - we have an early start and a late finish at work.

Meanwhile, Wifie is living it up in Paris. Some have assumed that in her absence I shall be living on beans on toast and takeaways. Well, tonight I dined on a leek and aduki bean casserole. If I hadn't learned to cook I would have starved to death years ago. Wifie has always worked on the principle that with my overactive metabolism, I will be the first to crack in the waiting game to see who will volunteer to cook the evening meal.

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