Orange Tip

Today's the day …………………….. to take it easy

Back to sunny, warm weather today and a day when nothing in particular had to be done - and we could just take it easy.

This Orange Tip butterfly fluttered about in the sunshine, gave this narcissus a hug - and then went on its way.  We paid a long-awaited visit to the Elizabeth MacGregor Nursery just down the road at Ellenbank.  It only opened at the weekend for the season, that will only last until the first weekend in October.  It has a collection of specialist herbaceous perenials for sale that would make you go weak at the knees.  We had to be very strict with ourselves because it would have been very easy to go completely mad and buy everything in sight.

To calm ourselves down, we went and sat in the wonderful walled garden (see extra) that belongs to the big house.  It was filled with the plants that they grow there - and as the season goes on, will look absolutely magnificent ……………………...  

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