Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer


*GASP* No mannequins in today's blip. I must be ill.
No. I just didn't get a chance to work with them today.

I left Master Four Year Old with my Father Unit today, as I had to travel to a town about 100km (60miles) from where I live in order to see my surgeon. Much faffing about, and secret plots to hurt him.
It's been no secret that I require further surgery to fix me up from my car accident in April 2009. However, due to discovering I have Gage's Sign (an osteoporosis kind of thing) when they operated on my shoulder, the plan of action has now changed, and I will be referred onto a surgeon who specialises in... Wait for it... Geriatric orthopaedic surgery... Because I have a condition not normally seen in people under 60. Lucky me.
It's a good thing the boyfriend was with me (also having an orthopaedic follow up after breaking his wrist in March), otherwise, I probably would have hurt my surgeon for not telling me SOONER, because now I have another three months until an action plan will be even started on... IT WAS MEANT TO BE STARTED SIX WEEKS AGO. *sigh*

So after being sent off for an x-ray of my hip, I had some time to kill, as for once, my surgeon was actually running on time. Wonders never cease to amaze.
The boyfriend and I wanted to take photos. I suggested going down to the waterfront, a short walk from the hospital...
In the middle of winter.
When it's 13 degrees celsius
(55 fahrenheit).
Gale force winds.
Said winds packing a massive wind chill, making it feel like 5 degrees
(41 fahrenheit).

Brilliant idea, Katherine.
NO. Just... No.
I was thinking it would be kind of romantic and special. Turned out to be cold and wet. See, there's a wall. At low tide, there is a great deal of space between water and wall.
It was king tide.
Wall + Water = Water wall 6ft tall.
Water wall 6ft tall + Gale force winds = 10ft sprayback.

Factor Katherine into this equation...
Wall + Water = Water wall.
Water wall 6ft tall + Gale force winds = 10ft sprayback.
10ft sprayback + (Katherine + [wall - 2ft]) = WET!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a genius, right?

So, my very special boyfriend did what any boyfriend would do... Rolled around laughing, a safe distance away from the wetness.

That's when I took this photo. I was DETERMINED to get a nice photo. And two kids were racing each other (and the water). A lovely brother and sister, though she his hidden rather substantially by her brother. A few seconds after taking this, the sister slipped, and fell flat on her bum. The brother stopped, ran back to her, helped her up, and comforted her with a cuddle and "it's okay. I'm here". It was the sweetest thing. Those two were something special. REEEEALLY special.

I got particularly 'clucky'... As did the boyfriend, and he came over, sat with me, and we talked about how fantastic our future kiddies will be. Being with him, having him make me feel special (and 'speshhhall' at the same time) was a welcome start to a new week after the hideous last week. I was getting dangerously low. But, he dragged me back to the light.

Those siblings were two special souls.
The boyfriend and I are two special souls.
'Special' is the only way to sum it up.

"And we will only need each other, we'll breathe together,
Our hands will not be taught to hold another's,
When we're the special two.
And we could only see each other, we'll bleed together,
These arms will not be taught to need another,
'Cause we were the special two."
~ The Special Two - Missy Higgins

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