Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

No Place Like . . .

Today we stayed home and just relaxed. I mean seriously we didn't accomplish much. That's okay on a Saturday, right? We thought our daughter was going to stop by with Tristan, but that never happened. Our daughter had kept him overnight. She should have had 10 kids, she just enjoys them immensely.

I did grade some student papers this afternoon while Mr. Fun got some FOB time -- flat On the Bunk.

Then in the early evening we went to Best Buy to look for a combo video/DVD player/recorder. While he looked at those, I stopped in the camera dept and handled every expensive model on display. One of these days, I mean really, one of these days I'm going to own a camera that clicks the moment I push the button so I can get much better photos of anything and everything that moves.

Saturday is now almost gone. I sure hope everyone has a great Sunday. The weather folks say Southern California is gonna cook tomorrow.

Thanks for all the comments on yesterday's blip,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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