
By sp33dway

8 core phwoar

My spanking 8-Core 'Nehalem' MacPro Dual 2.66 arrived today, complete with the nifty Radeon 4870 Graphics Card upgrade and the adobe CS4 suite. Very exciting but very weird because whilst I've only ever owned a Mac (ever since my parents bought me a Performa 630 to help me with my design degree in the mid 90's) I've never had anything with quite so much potential power or upgradeability as this, or as exbluddyspensive (Note to Apple: Charging several spondoolees and then asking for an extra 30 quid for an Airport Wireless Card is a bit of a joke). How I've managed to get my business feet off the ground during the past few months with my ageing powerbook overheating on it's cooling stand and 1gb of ram not doing bggr all is anyones guess (especially when some layered photoshop files are between 100 and 200mb) but I'm hoping those days are now behind me and I can start becoming a smidge more productive and not miss my evenings so much.

Had a shedload of paid jobs on the cards for today but they went clean out the window when this beauty arrived :) If I could've put it next to my bed when I went to sleep like I used to with my Nike Divisions I woulda done.

(I did take the manuals and stuff up with me though ;)

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