Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Note the exif

Watching the Chinese Grand Prix while browsing camera sites I finally managed to justify (to myself) the purchase of a new camera. Jessops were doing an offer that knocked £50 off their online price, plus Cannon are offering a £50 cash back, so pressed reserve and collect button as I could get it today from the St. Albans store.

Got it home, put the battery on charge then went to fill out the cash back form, but couldn't find the receipt so a drive back to St. Albans to get another one (receipt not camera). Returning to the car it twigged what had happened to the original receipt and going back to my previous parking spot, there it was, blown into someones garden. At least that mystery was solved.

Back home, sat down with the manual, got bored, had a play in the garden in fading light and thought that this lucky white heather was an appropriate blip. Looking forward to more playing tomorrow and picking up the 55-250mm lens that I'd sourced from elsewhere.

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