LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

Not another TV blip!

Madness of Crowds? - not a chance.

I've started last week's suggested reading from my wee bro. It's called The Wisdom of Crowds and case studies its arguments (with less humour) in a similar manner to Freakonomics. This week I read this article in the G2 section of The Guardian about a new book called Wikinomics. The 3 books are intrinsically motivated. Coincidence? (There are no coincidences.)

Wikipedia (a staple diet of manys a blipper) is the perfect model of their thesis. The big shareholding corp of the world could soon be on an even more sticky wicket than they are now (when added to the USA's poorer population defaulting on their mortgages having already shaken their territory). All rather exciting in a geeky kinda way.

Somebody once said (in a bastardised misquote of another) something like: it's a crazy world that allows the power over so many to be governed by so few.

Is that all gonna change soon? It'd be nice, if in a non-communist sort of way.

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