
By blipblog

It's a wrap

Howdy troops, Joe Blogs here, with a (slightly belated) round up of the holiday assignment, 'all wrapped up'.

I have to admit I was dreading looking through a full two weeks worth of assignment entries, so I was glad to discover less than half the number of entries we'd usually expect in a week waiting for my attention.

I'm also glad that you all had better things to be doing with yourselves over the festive period. Like dressing your poor dogs in the most ridiculous attire and posting their sorry asses on the interweb for all to see.

I was also pleased to note that some of you were as keen as me to get your work wrapped up (although I fear 'quiz' may have been misspelled in the rush (by a teacher)), while others were desperate to get their old identities wrapped up.

Wingpig finally found a use for the sports supplement and Bri gave new meaning to mentioning Christmas far too early by showing us next year's Crimbo card - before this one.

But that's all just background noise as far as I'm concerned, because the 2007 Christmas blips that will stick in my mind for many years to come are those of our very own Man from the Blackcountry. He went way, way, way beyond the call of duty with his series of three nativity scenes. He only tagged the last one (and rather loosely at that) with assignment27, but I don't care. Mr. Brickmaker, you have my personal approval to fire yourself a giant 'Christmas Blip Winner 2007' brick and present it to yourself in a grand ceremony in front of your shed.

Ooh, it's made me feel all Christmassy again, writing this! Or maybe it's the glass of rather fine vintage port sitting next to me... Either way, at the end of the day, I think most of us were happy to wrap up the year with our nearest and dearest. Sadly, one Blipper wasn't able to.

On that sobering note, I think I'd better go and put the rest of the decorations in the attic and get my beauty sleep for the first day of term tomorrow.

But before I do, I need to tell you that your next assignment theme is 'Looking forward', which was originally suggested by The (un)professional in December, but we felt would be much more apt as the first for 2008. Don't forget to tag your entries 'assignment28'.

Happy New Year, Blipfolks!

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