Lali's World

By Lali

The Woman Statue and the Child

"Can I have that shiny ball?"
"Of course you can. Just take it."

This is my 5th entry for my pictures of people challenge.

Today I took a different route to go to the gym, and went up the Royal Mile instead. These human statues just amaze me. How they can stay without moving for so long? Something I definitely wouldn't be able to do, believe me.

So anywyay, I decided to take a picture of this one, because I think it looks beautiful. Now, what happens is, when you put a coin in their hat (in this case it was a biker's helmet) the statue does something. So I put a coin there to see what happened next. Two things happened at the same time. As the statue started moving, this child approached her. And then I took the picture.

Had a fairly good gym session, and on my way back I saw a sign on the wall that said: "Bill Posters will be Prosecuted" and right underneath another one that said: "Bill Posters is innocent". Couldn't stop laughing. I wanted to take a picture of this but my bus was coming and didn't have time. Oh well, never mind.

This evening I'm meeting a friend for a drink, so that's why I'm posting this a bit earlier today.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments!

Back to work tomorrow :(

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