Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Simple yet Jazzy

Sometimes you need to just go and blip a flower. When I am searching for a blip, flowers generally win every time. It is very common for me to head over to the neighbor's yard. They are very used to my loitering and always tell me to take the flowers home with me. "Oh I'm not really interested in HAVING the flower, I just like to photograph it" I always say. It makes them smile. They know I'm quirky in an artsy sort of a way.

So here it is. A flower blip. Simple...........yet JAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY!

And I like Jazzy! And today, I dedicate this jazziness to my husband and to my Dad. Two of the best Father's I have ever known. My Dad who helped raise me with unconditional love and support and my husband who is helping raise our kids with that same kind of love and absolute devotion. How lucky I am to know that my kids are as loved as I always felt growing up. I love you both so much! Thank you for the time and energy that you give to us all. What a difference you are making in so many of our lives!

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