
By earthdreamer

Keep Out

OK. I'm on a roll here. You guys have put me in the spotlight again with your wonderful comments and stars and hearts. I can't ever remember feeling so honoured. Thank you. Special thanks also to Bittersweet who is also on a roll at the moment and is keeping me very much on my toes!

In a way I feel like Bottomless deserved the spotlight more than Jewels in the Gutter. Friedaquilter left a lovely comment saying that "a great blip is first and foremost a matter of actually seeing it", and she's right of course. And the greatest joy of this experience so far is learning to properly see. There is a lot of technical stuff that you can train up on to improve your photography, and a lot of expensive kit that you can buy, but the heart of it all is seeing the image in the first place. I do want to learn more of the technical side, and invest in a more versatile camera, but for now my little pocket-size compact is serving me well. Panasonic take note: you could always sponsor me!

There were some more beautiful reflections to be enjoyed this morning, but I don't want to become predictable ... so I turned away from the canal to capture today's blip.

PS When you are new here your blips are not going to get noticed unless you promote yourself a bit and feed into the community. I guess not everyone has the time or inclination to do this. Perhaps some simply don't feel the need. Occasionally I stumble across someone new whose journal isn't receiving much attention, but deserves to be seen. One such blipper, quite a mysterious little fellow indeed, is I am an Ant. Worth a look.

PPS Having given Friedaquilter a namecheck earlier, you should check out her blip today. Summer Solstice quite took my breath away.

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