1st Grade

After a big day yesterday of turning 6, my oldest then started school today. He had a brilliant day and already has a new friend.

Here he is all lined up ready to go to class, smiling for the lovely My Mind's Eye. What's funny is there are now 4 parents in this 1st grade class packing serious glass. I think we should form a club. Of course the only guy in the group is armed with a Nikon. Men... ;)

On another subject, I'm so not sure what to do with my son's hair. He's "growing it out" like Justin Bieber? Or I suppose maybe like this handsome young man.

P.S. I forgot to mention I walked home from work today. Not like it's a long way or anything. Maybe 2 miles? Or not. I don't care. I walked home. Anyways, it sure brings a different perspective walking as opposed to driving. And I'm amazed how many neighborhoods smelled like fish.

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